Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Embarking on Accepted Hajj (Maqbool)

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the world. May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the noble Prophet (SAW), his household, his companions and all t

Hajj: Why Nigeria must get it right now

By Allah’s divine providence, I would be among the millions Muslims that are planning to perform this year’s hajj. The last time I perform

Pope says Islam is not terrorism

Pope Francis said Sunday that Islam could not be equated with terrorism and warned Europe was pushing its young into the hands of extremists. “I

Performing Hajj and Umrah (I)

There are three ways of performing Hajj: 1). Hajj aI-Tamattu’i (interrupted) 2). Hajj al-Qirani (combined) and 3). Hajj al-Ifrad (single) HAJJ A

Upholding Ramadan’s spiritual upliftment (1)

“O you who believe, be aware of God, and let every soul examine what it has put forth for tomorrow. And be aware of God; God is fully aware of e