Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Plight of IDP on TV spurs “zakat”

The plight of thousands living on Abuja’s camps for internally displaced people pushed the Lagos-based Zakat & Sadaqat Foundation to donate

Benefits of Sitta Shawwal Fast, by Sheikh Sani Yahaya

After the Eid el-Fitr, observed on the 1st of Shawwal (Sallah day), the ummah are expected to embark on the Sitta Shawwal fast, a Sunnah Mustahabbah,

Avoiding misguiding innovation

Reason for creation of man and jinn: Allah says in the the Noble Qur’an, ”And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

The Fiqh of Sadaqat al-Fitr

Abd Allah Ibn ‘Umar (AS) narrates, “The Prophet (PBUH) enjoined the payment of one sa’ of dates or one sa’ of barley as Zakat

Zakatul–fitr: Distribution of foodstuff to the needy and the Eid Prayer

This is a special act which involves giving out in charity, some food items at the end of Ramadan. It commences three days to the end of Ramadan to th