Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Muslims and challenges of an infections ravaged world (1)

Before the 13 January, 2016 World Health Organisation (WHO) declaration of Liberia as Ebola-free, 11,315 people reportedly died from the disease in si

Magic and its ruling in Islam

The learning and practice of magic is classified by scholars of Islam as Kufr (disbelief). They based their evidence on the verse in Surah Baqarah ( Q

Charity: Smiling to Paradise

Being alive as human has been described as a gift from Allah (swt) as He may have chosen to create many of mankind as animals or other forms of creati

Muslim population to double in US, UK by 2030 – Pew

Muslim populations around the world will grow by 25% in the next two decades, with the number more than doubling, from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 mill

Religious tolerance key to Nigeria”s unity- The Criterion

Nigerians must learn to imbibe religious tolerance to secure a lasting unity in the country, The Criterion, an Association of Muslim Women in business