Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Re: True Moslems must speak up (II)

Mankind has been created to worship Allah/God only. He is either do it willingly or unwillingly. No amount of weapons of mass destruction and media hy

The Prophet’s other miracles (I)

Apart from the Qur’an, which is Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate miracle, there were other marvellous things that he (peace be upon him) did an

Re: True Moslems must speak up (I)

The above captioned written by Eugene Enahoro in the Daily Trust of Tuesday, November 24, 2015 challenges true Muslims to speak up. One should like to

As 12th Rabi’ Al-Awwal approaches – Ustaz Abdulmuhyi

Milad-un Nabi or Maulid (Mawlid) is another eid for Muslim sects that celebrate it as the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is actually observed

The Messenger’s neatness, humbleness and miracles

Muhammad, the last Messenger and Prophet of Allah sent to the whole world, used to be very neat. He hated dirt and encouraged his companions to take g