Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Misconceptions in Safar

In a Hadith, Jaabir (R.A.) reported that: “I have heard the Prophet saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the mon

Belief in Allah’s Messengers and Prophets

Another pillar of faith we must hold strongly to in our minds as Muslims is the belief in Messengers and the Prophets. We must believe in all the Prop

Istighfar: Gateway to relief, happiness

People often forget the importance of the simple yet powerful dua Istighfar i.e. saying ‘astaghfirullah’ (I seek forgiveness of Allah). Pr

Belief in the Kutub (revealed books)

Another pillar of faith which is very important for Muslims to believe is ‘the belief in the kutub’.   The Arabic word “Ku

The belief in angels

Muslims must necessarily believe in the existence of the malaikah (angels). We should believe that they are “honored servants” of Allah. T