Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

On performance of Hajj, Umrah (II)

The Performance of Hajj If you ‘are performing Hajj al-Ifrad or Hajj-Qiran (i.e. hajj combined with ‘umrah), you enter into ihram at the s

The Islamic solutions to nightmare

Islaam proffers solutions to all man’s problems. Allaah has not left us in the dark as to what to do when we are confronted with ‘spiritua

On performance of Hajj, Umrah (I)

Hajj is one of the five pillars of the religion of Allah – Islam. To perform Hajj is a fard upon every sane and mature Muslim who has the means.

Moscow becoming Europe’s largest Muslim city

Though turning more hostile to Muslims, Moscow has witnessed major `Eid Al-Fitr prayer in which more than 60,000 gathered for prayers at the golden-do

Enter Sitta Shawwal

The Islamic scholars say the six days of Shawwal voluntary fasting are, to the obligatory fast of Ramadan, what the Sunnah prayers are to the obligato