Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Ramadan: Islam and sincerity of Muslims to the Qur’an (I)

We shall therefore examine what the Qur’an has gotten to provide for the generality of mankind and the response of those who claim to believe in its m

The night of Power (Al-Kadr)

The meaning is that night of great importance because it was witnessed the revelation of the Glorious Qu’ran.Or al-kadr, which means fate is usually a

An entire month of access to Heaven

The gates of Heaven would be open for the entire month and the gates of Hell (Jahannam) would be closed. The first day of the next month, Shawwal, is

Acts that don’t break fast (I)

The above verse is Allahs’ orders on Muslims to observe fasting in the blessed months of Ramadan and Prophet Muhammad in many saying and deeds showed

Those who should fast and those exempted

Sayyid Saabiq said in Fiqhus-sunnah: “ All the Islamic scholars agreed that fasting is only compulsory on a Muslim who is sane, who has reached the ag