Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

What you need to know about Ramadan (II)

Sahl bn Sa’d reported that the prophet of Allah (SAW) said: There is a door in paradise which is called Ar-Rayyanu. The fasting people will enter para

Curbing excesses of preachers

The month of Ramadan comes with inumerable blessings to the world, especially to those who exert themselves in acts of obedience to Allah. Among the m

What you need to know about Ramadan (I)

Evidences: Allah says: O you who have believed, fasting has been made compulsory on you as it had been made compulsory on those before you (Jews and C

For ummah consensus in moon-sighting

Allah (SWT) has set crescent sighting as the only means for establishing dates of various Islamic occasions such as Eids and Hajj. He says: “They ask

A triumph of religious freedom in the US

In an 8-1 verdict, the court handed victory to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency that sued the company on her be