Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

US court rules in favour of Muslim denied job for her hijab

Almighty Allah, in Suratul Al-Imran, reveals his hegemony, sovereignty in giving power to whomever HE wishes and relegates it from whomever HE wishes…

Watch your attitude in du’a

Apart from supplications recommended to accompany the daily prayers, and those in the ayats, Muslims are encouraged to call upon Allah (SWT) to forgiv

Striving to be steadfast (III)

“As for the life of this world, Allah will help them to be steadfast in doing good and righteous deeds, and in the Hereafter (He will help them) to re

Striving to be steadfast (II)

Allah says: “And of them are some who made a covenant with Allah (saying): ‘If He bestowed on us of His Bounty, we will verily give charity and will b

Meritorious acts in Sha’aban

We are, today by the special grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) witnesses to the 3rd day in the month of Sha’aban (1436), the 8th month in the Islam