Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

The wonders of congregational prayer

1) Anas (RA) narrates that the beloved Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever offers prayer with Jama’at for 40 days with the first takbeer (start o

Striving to be steadfast (I)

Any sensible person will  have no doubt that Muslims today need steadfastness more than their  predecessors among the salaf did, and that th

Day Muslim Student leaders gathered to face modern challenges

The event themed “MSSN: Impact, Problems and Prospects” was attended by past leaders and dignitaries across the country including the Sult

Returning to Allah in Rajab

Seeking forgiveness (istighfar) from Allah is foundational in focu-sing your heart on Allah. When seeking forgiveness:1. you express awareness of your

Love people to get Allah’s love

“My love is promised to those who go out to visit each other for My sake.“My love is promised to those who give each other for My sake.&ld