Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Hijab is not for only one gender

What, I feel, seems to be far less considered in the public discourse today is the male factor: How males should conduct themselves and the Shariah pr

Signs of Allah’s love for His servant and ways to attain it

Ustaz Shuaib enumerated the virtuous traits while speaking on “Signs of Allah’s Love for His Servant and Ways to Attain It” at the monthly lecture of


In Islam, Zakat is an obligatory act ordained by Allah (swt) to be performed by every Muslim who is able to. It is an important pillar of Islam; one t

Fasting the Day of Arafat

Abu Qatadah reported that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Fasting on the day of Arafat is an expiation for two years, the year preceding it and the

Eid prayer and etiquettes of Eid celebration

The ‘Eid prayer is valid for men, women, children, travelers and residents. It is to be performed at a relatively distant open place designated for th