Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Kaduna Igala Muslims hold prayer

Organized by the Council of Ihsan Community of Nigeria (CIMCON), Kaduna State chapter, the umbrella organization for Igala Muslims resident in Kaduna,

Izala seeks N2.3bn for schools, preaching

A press release issued by Ahmed M. Zungeru, publicity secretary, FCT branch of the organization said the occasion which will be held at the Eagle Squa

Safety and cleanness of roads in Islam (II)

Our roads have become centres of different types of beggars (of course majority from the North), ranging from small boys, old and elderly people, life

Safety and cleanness of roads in Islam (I)

However, making good and having an organised life is not an easy task that can be achieved in the twinkling of an eye as most people simply think. Of

Some key aspects of supplication

There is a hadith that mentions believers must have faith that Allah will answer their dua. Allah may answer our dua during our life in this temporal