Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

2013 Hajj: How far have we gone?

But if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures (Qur’an 3:97). The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said that: Allah has made

Scholar warns against VIP Hajj

“This new invention of VIP Hajj [pilgrimage] packages by some Hajj operators is unacceptable,” Mohammad Al Tabtabai, the former dean of the Islamic St

Hajj: Reaching toward Allah

The land of Makkah is tranquil and peaceful. Instead of fear, hatred, and war, the desert is blessed with security and peace. There is a feeling in th

Bride-burning figures shock India Muslims

“National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics should astonish the world,” Aleem Khan Falki, an activist campaigning against dowries and the founder

Abuja forum to promote peace through arts, calligraphy

The forum’s spokesman Ustaz Yunus Salahudeen disclosed this yesterday when he led some members on a courtesy visit to Media Trust headquarters in Abuj