Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Feed, greet and pray: The Prophetic peace formula

Community organizers and leaders of all kinds who share and promote ideas play an important role in spreading values and bringing people together. The

GM corn banned decade ago found in Saudi Arabia

The study published in the journal Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology earlier this month found that genetically modified StarLink maize, allowed f

Reverts: Is it better to live in a Muslim country?

Still a Different CultureIt is important to take into consideration that even though it is a Muslim country where the majority is Muslim (supposed to

Some things your wife won’t tell you

Above all, she wants your loveWhen a wife shows her husband less respect, he in turn shows her less love. And when a husband shows his wife less love,

Reverts: Is it better to live in a Muslim country?

Do you get tired of fighting with your family and friends to accept you as a Muslim?Wish you to live in a land where you hear the beautiful sound of A