Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Zakat: Lessening pain for the less-privileged

Zakat or obligatory charity is to be paid once in a year by the well -to- do Muslims whose wealth has reached or crossed the benchmark or threshold ca

Keeping Ramadan alive the rest of the year (II)

Why not, at home, have your own “mini-Tarawih”? You can either read what you have already memorized, or you can read from the Qur’an itself. If you co

UK task force tackles anti-Muslim violence

“I condemn these attacks absolutely, but more important than condemnation is action,” Cameron said during a visit to Jamia Mosque in Manchester earlie

Keeping Ramadan alive the rest of the year (I)

Fasting is finished; the nightly prayers are over; the group gatherings to break the fast have vanished. We can eat, drink, and be merry again when th

Be merciful to the poor

ABU Hurairah (AS) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said: Allah will say on the Day of Judgment: “Son of Adam, I was sick but you did not visit Me.”‘My