Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Spiritual, health benefits of fasting

The above qur’anic exhortation indubitably captures the essence of Fasting and encapsulates the disposition this highly rewarding religious acti

New Muslims: Talk less and listen more (II)

Continued from last week Learning to listen and to be quiet, to ponder on existence and wait patiently for God’s guidance – is one of Isla

Reaping Allah’s bounty in Sha’aban

It is mentioned in the book, Tuhfat al-Ikhwan, narrated from Ata’ ibn Yasir (as), that “….there is no night better after the night of Qadr than the 15

Muslims, learn your history!

Many Muslims today suffer from a defeated mentality. Many of us would rather visit the bright lights of New York or the cafes of Paris. That’s w

New Muslims: Talk less and listen more (I)

Wherever it happens – at a friend’s house, down the phone, in an imam’s office or at the center of a vast Masjid on Friday, it is a