Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

On the challenges of raising righteous children (II)

Let me now remind us of probably and unarguably one of the most sacred duties and obligations we have to our children. I preface that with the testimo

4,000 students, others to attend Islamic vacation course

About 4,000 Muslim students across the country will, next week, attend this year’s National Islamic Vacation Course (NIVC) in Kwara State. This was di

Al-Ansaar orphanage empowers women in Abuja

Al-Ansaar Orphanage Home has distributed sewing machines to orphans, a widow and other needy women after training them on tailoring for a year. The wo

Islamic group launches N500m fund for orphans

An Islamic group, Fityanul Islam of Nigeria has launched a N500 million fund to build an orphanage and skills acquisition centre in Zaria, Kaduna stat

On the challenges of raising righteous children (I)

He was named Abul-Ala al-Maari. He lived between 970 and 1057 AD. He was an Arab-Muslim thinker, philosopher, ethicist and polemicist. He was born bli