Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Saudi Police arrest 15 Hajj fraudsters

Saudi authorities have arrested 15 people in two separate operations for offering fraudulent Hajj-related services, state news agency (SPA) reported.

Nigerian pilgrim returns missing BTA to owner in Madina

A Nigerian pilgrim, Alhaji Arzukka Babaya from Sokoto State has returned a pouch containing about $700 US dollars belonging to a Kaduna State pilgrim

South Africa: Marriages under Islamic law given legal status

The South African Constitutional Court has given legal recognition to Muslim women married under Sharia law, and also their children. In an unanimous

1,200-yr-old mosque uncovered in Palestinian village in Israel

Israeli archaeologists on Wednesday unveiled an ancient mosque in the country’s south that antiquities officials said sheds light on the region’s tran

Saudi’s Grand Mosque gets 80,000 Qur’an copies for distribution to pilgrims

Saudi Arabia’s Grand Holy Mosque has been equipped with 80,000 new copies of the Holy Quran ahead of this year’s Hajj. Ghazi al-Thibiani, the director