Islamic Forum

Islamic Forum

Islam: Beyond blasphemy, the blasphemous and its liquidator (II)

The anti-blasphemy discourse belongs, in the first instance and in the main, to the conscious Muslim – those who, in line with the Quranic posture, ad

The mosque at the centre of India’s battle over religious identity

On a sweltering Friday afternoon last week, outside an imposing sandstone gate leading to the Gyanvapi mosque, the road teemed with dozens of policeme

Islam: Beyond blasphemy, the blasphemous and its liquidator (I)

When Deborah Samuel set out that day for her school, little did she know that was going to be her last in this world. Little did she know that utterin

India’s top court revokes ban on large prayer gatherings in mosque

India’s Supreme Court has overturned a local order to ban large Muslim prayer gatherings in a high-profile mosque in north India after a survey team s

UK Muslim students who were praying in toilets get benefitting space

A secondary school in Derby, United Kingdom has bought prayer mats and found a special area to allow Muslim students to pray in comfort after the head