IT World

IT World

Stakeholders seek access to quality internet

Issues around access to quality internet service and affordability in rural areas took the front burner at a two-day annual conference of the Nigerian

Firm to showcase solutions at Lagos Computer Expo

WOWBii Interactive will showcase EdTech solutions for transforming the education sector at Computer Village Expo 2019 (#CVE2019), Nigeria’s biggest co

Data: NCC sets plan to reduce price, stops illegal deductions

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) says it is working to resolve and implement the Federal Government’s directive on the challenges of illeg

BREAKING: Google launches new traffic tab for Lagos

Google has launched a new Traffic tab in Google Maps in Lagos. The Traffic tab provides bus riders with information to help them find their most effic

Volkswagen to bring self-driving cars to market in 2025

Volkswagen wants to make self-driving cars a commercial reality by the middle of the next decade, the German carmaker said on Wednesday. Alexander Hit