IT World

IT World

Cisco predicts 5G domination by 2022

Cisco tipped 5G to become a significant source of traffic on operator networks by 2022, generating nearly three-times more than a typical 4G connectio

We don’t have any disagreement with NCAA, telcos say

  The Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria [ALTON] has said it was not in disagreement with the Nigerian Civil Aviatio

Huawei’s 5G network equipments are not a threat to security – UK’s Cyber Security Centre

The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has said Huawei’s 5G network equipments are not a threat to national security, adding that

Facebook ‘knowingly’ violated data privacy laws- British lawmakers

British lawmakers on Monday accused Facebook of “intentionally and knowingly” violating data privacy and anti-competition laws as they called for soci

‘Twitter stores users’ direct messages years after they’ve been deleted’

Your Twitter <> DMs have been sticking around long after you’ve deleted them. One of T