IT World

IT World

Dubai: The world’s first blockchain-run city?

Dubai is a well-beloved city. People all over the world visit Dubai for anticipated fun. Nigerians who have gotten hold of some serious money –

Minister demands quality network as Airtel launches 4G in Abuja

Minister of Communications Mr Adebayo Shittu has called on Airtel Nigeria to take its 4G LTE service to all parts of the country to boost internet pen

Why Globacom supports girl-child ICT empowerment

Globacom has lent its support to an initiative to encourage female empowerment in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Globaco

Phase3 receives recognition for contributions to telecoms industry

Phase3 Telecom says the honour of receiving top vote as fibre optic company of the year at “Beacon of ICT” Awards 2018 for four consecutiv

Firm develops app that lets you encrypt messages

A new Slack extension promises to let you send memes to your co-workers in peace. Aptly called ‘Shhlack,’ the tool allows you encrypt and