IT World

IT World

Device that lets you read emails, texts with your skin

Facebook  has developed a futuristic device that allows users to read emails and text messages with their skin. A cast-like device is strapped on

Advanced redesign of Gmail service rolled out last week

Of all the things that the Internet has given us, being able to send and/or receive emails is arguably the most important from productivity standpoint

NCC remits N49.7billion to federation account in first quarter of 2018

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) says it has remitted N49.7billion to the federation account in the first quarter of 2018. This is in comp

Experts urge African countries to emulate Nigeria on Digital Rights Bill

Digital rights experts have urged African countries to emulate Nigeria by passing the Digital Rights and Freedom Bill into law in their respective nat

Broadband penetration: Glo, Huawei sign contract for laying Glo 2 submarine cable

Globacom on Tuesday entered into agreement with Huawei for the laying of another trans-Atlantic submarine cable to complement Glo 1. The second submar