IT World

IT World

One bitcoin is now worth more than $10,000!

Between February 2011 and April 2011, one bitcoin, the digital money, was worth $1. When the first article on Bitcoin was written in this Daily Trust

Smile delights customers with mouth-watering offer

As part of  its efforts to gear up customers for a fun-filled holiday season celebration, Smile, has announced a mouth-watering offer of 10GB plu

‘In the era of ICT, digital books hold the key’

The former Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), Prof. Peter Okebukola, has admonished publishers of books in Nigeria to

Make your TV smart: How to choose a streaming device without overpaying

Why watch a video on your phone or tablet when you can get a device for as little as $30 to stream shows on a big-screen TV? Apple, Google, Amazon , R

World’s first text message sent 25 years ago yesterday

We don’t want to make you feel old but it has been 25 years since the first text message was sent. Yep, people started exchanging texts a quarte