IT World

IT World

‘Glo records 100% of all new internet subscribers in Nigeria’

Globacom has recorded 100% of all new internet subscriptions in Nigeria’s telecom industry for the month of October 2016, according to data publ

Year 2016 Tech News in a Quiz

It’s that time of the year when we recap some of the major everyday technologies of the outgoing year in Questions and Answers. The answers to m

Plateau”s ambitious revenue technology crashes at test run

Several attempts by a consultant to do electronic demonstration of the workability of an ambitious revenue system deployed by the Plateau State Intern

Buhari switches on digital broadcasting in Abuja Thursday … 1m jobs expected

President Muhammadu Buhari will Thursday launch the Abuja phase of Digital Switch Over (DSO), signaling the commencement of the full roll-out of digit

Internet users in Nigeria have reduced – NCC

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on Tuesday said the number of internet users in Nigeria’s telecommunications networks had reduced t