IT World

IT World

LG goes 360 degrees to mark heritage conservation

LG Electronics (LG) has added wider perspective to its sustainability credentials at the World Environment Day (WED), using immersive 360-degree video

Thought – recording device underway

A mind-reaching machine that can translate thoughts into speech is coming closer to reality. The research has been on-going for several years, and rec

Firm unveils fibre optic tech, voice calls services in Abuja

An Abuja-based multi-media firm, Legend, has announced the introduction of fibre optic technology and voice calls services to homes in the Federal Cap

Telecoms sector: One year under Buhari

Analysts and experts have said the Nigerian telecommunications sector has the potentials to take the country’s economy back to recovery; to get

Sweden, a hotbed of awesome technology – Part II

With a population of only 9.8 million, which is less than half of Lagos City, Nigeria – using New York Times figures, Sweden is one of the hotte