IT World

IT World

NCC’s 8-point agenda and the Nigerian economy

Now, more than ever before, the Nigerian economy needs a life-saving machine.  Those at the helm of our affairs are looking at every direction to

Jigawa gives 8,000 e-learning tablets to schools

The Jigawa State government has given about 8, 000 e-learning tablets to secondary school students in the state. This came after a 5-week remedial pro

More life-changing tech innovations needed – I

Let’s face it, for the past many decades there have been only a few innovations we can truly call revolutionary. Even decent evolutionary (incre

FG urged to implement local content policy in ICT industry

Federal government has been advised to ensure full implementation of the local content policy in the Nigerian Information and Communication Technology

Ex-ministers to Buhari: Make science & tech cornerstone of Nigeria’s economy

Nigeria’s former ministers of Science and Technology have urged the Muhammad Buhari administration to make science and tech the cornerstone for