IT World

IT World

Entering the future with innovative technologies

As the drive for innovation continues and consumers are increasingly on the lookout for smart and convenient products that will make life easier for t

Scammers access to pensioners’ database generate concern

Future Unity Glanvils Pensions Ltd (FUG) has expressed worry about pensioners receiving scam messages about non existing promotion by pension fund adm

How bad is your LinkedIn etiquette?

The latest social media sexism scandal should make us all think about how we use LinkedIn. Earlier this month, Charlotte Proudman, a 27-year-old barri

Samsung launches new brand theme, unveils palm selfie competition

Samsung Electronics West Africa has announced the launch of a new brand theme, Dream Your Dream, which seeks to nurture the aspiration of young Nigeri

Glo, Ecobank, First Monie, others reiterate commitment to mobile money platform

Customers carrying out mobile money transactions on Glo Xchange have been assured of advanced security measures by national telecoms carrier, Globacom