IT World

IT World

TD re-strategizes for more market share

In a press release made available to the media in Lagos, TD announced that the retreat which provided an opportunity for the company to take stock of

Digital switchover: Questions NBC must answer

The National Broadcasting Commission NBC, the agency of government saddled with the responsibility to midwife the migration from analogue to digital t

Cameroun’s telecoms regulator signs MoU with NCC

The signing ceremony which took place in Abuja was described by the Director General of TRB, Monsieur Jean Louis Beh Mengue as “a defining moment for

Smile’s free WiFi activates on Lagos Metrotaxi

The announcement was born out of a partnership between Smile Communications and popular auto service firm Metro-taxi.Speaking at the official announce

The most important lesson from BlackBerry’s downfall

There were obviously many contributing factors to BB’s downfall. The first sign of the company’s vulnerability came in the outage of October 2011, whi