IT World

IT World

Internet of things and predictive manufacturing – I

As a mechanical/aerospace engineer, manufacturing is obviously in my DNA, but that’s not why I am writing this article. Take a moment to conside

Nigeria among top three emerging broadband markets – Huawei

The report which is the West African edition says Nigeria has a small fixed base but huge potential in the uptake of mobile products as it is one of t

ITU to study the network standardization requirements of ‘5G’

The network studies will be hosted by ITU’s Standardization Sector (ITU-T), benefiting from the strength of ITU-T standardization in wireline co

How does Google’s autonomous car work?

An on-board computer uses data from sensors, including radar, a laser and cameras, to make turns and negotiate its way around pedestrians and other ve

‘Google’s self-driving car will keep an eye on cyclists’

The documents reveal that the car’s array of sensors will notice a cyclist among other objects and vehicles on the road.It can then watch their