IT World

IT World

‘Nigerians watch Youtube video 4bn hours every month’

Celestine Achi told particpants at the capacity building workshop organised for journalists by the National Information Technology Development Agency

Computer scientists develop hack-proof software

After repairing the damage, the software, named A3, then prevents a hacker ever infecting the computer again.It works with a virtual computer that emu

‘GIS technology critical to delivering efficient electricity’

The company’s Chief Executive Officer Kim Fraser said adoption of this technology will address current woes in the nation’s power sector.Fraser said K

Why companies should use IT for business growth

The financial institutions may then demand proper business record keeping and, in some cases, a history of financial records. With operations in multi

Strides and challenges of ICT in Nigeria

ICT, according to UNDP, has been defined to include the full range of electronic technologies and techniques used to manage information and knowledge.