IT World

IT World

Galaxy Backbone gets new certification from BSI

A statement from the agency said Galaxy received the certification after undergoing Information and Security Management Systems (ISMS) verification an

A few important steps for cloud services

You would think that everyone will be beating a path to cloud computing services, given the potential advantages the technology has for you. For examp

Nigeria calls for cooperation to speed up internet access

Minister of Communication Technolgy, Dr Omobola Johnson, who made this call at the main session of the 9th Internet Governance Meeting (IGF) held in I

Apple’s rivals mock new handset’s lack of innovation

Last week’s Apple announcement was one of the most hyped in recent history, and it appears that the products didn’t quite live up to expectation. Reac

Apple Watch’s battery life may be its downfall, experts say

The launch of the much-anticipated Apple watch had a noisy audience on their feet on Tuesday.But despite the range of impressive features unveiled by