IT World

IT World

Google plans to launch wireless mobile network

Sources have revealed Google has plans for its own wireless network that customers could use to make calls, send texts and browse the web on their mob

One third of phishing attacks in 2013 aimed at stealing money -Study

Cybercriminals tried to obtain confidential user information in order to steal money from bank accounts last year, Kaspersky Lab’s study Financial cyb

Firm launces new education portal launched as the newest electronic learning portal in Abuja at the weekend, after starting off late last year in Kaduna, with promise to h

What is a mobile virtual network operator?

MVNOs don’t own the infrastructure the networks are built on. Instead, they buy access to parts of these networks at wholesale prices. The company can

Poor service: NATCOMS insists N647m fine paid by telcos belongs to subscribers

NATCOMS president Deolu Ogunbanjo told Daily Trust that the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has no right to collect the fine since the subscr