IT World

IT World

Minister urges agency boards to be transparent

(NOTAP) and the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology (NISLT) to be guided by the principles of integrity, accountability and transparen

FG launches open data initiative

The initiative is a consultative and inclusive process that will open up high value datasets from across government ministries to Nigerian citizens fo

Global phablet shipments to reach 120m by 2018

The device will find particularly receptive markets in East Asian territories such as South Korea – with gamers who desire a larger surface to p

‘Text messaging is the best way to communicate with people abroad’

You recently launched GEM. What is GEM and how did you arrive at the codename ‘GEM?’We called it GEM. We had gone through a lot of names here. GEM is

Lenovo is raking up American companies

ThinkPad 760ED, which I bought in 1996. The machine was of course manufactured by the real IBM and it is a piece of manufacturing wonder. For example,