IT World

IT World

Glo presents N5m cheque to designer, rewards 24 other subscribers in Lagos

The winners are Mrs. Obafemi Olayebi, a handbag designer who won N5 million, Kazeem Obigbesan, a driver, Abolade Agboola, a stockbroker, Ayodeji Olatu

Video chatting tools

A person’s facial expression can tell you whether or not the person is sincere in what they are telling you, and you may be able to weigh the seriousn

‘More than 80% of smartphones are not protected’

Juniper claims, in its new finding, that the low level of adoption of security software can be attributed to a number of factors, including the relati

‘Erratic power supply will not stop us from setting up mobile phone plant’

Can you tell us about your assembly plant for manufacturing ICT products in Nigeria? What stage is it now?We are putting up one of the biggest assembl

Project management key to IT facilities deployment – Accenture

The company also stressed the need for effective top-level management support as a driving force to achieving project implementation and technological