IT World

IT World

New Horizons sponsors two Nigerian students to Microsoft competition

The students represented Nigeria and their schools on an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C USA for the Microsoft Worldwide Championship. The lu

China’s 4G ambition

A case in point is the evolving, all-important 4G phone technology, its own home-grown version of which China seems intent on developing and promoting

Telecoms: Group demands compensation for poor service

In a letter to the Association of Licensed Telecom Operators of Nigeria (ALTON), the umbrella body of telecom operators in the country, NATCOMS, said

‘90% of mobile money services worldwide are unprofitable’

In 2005, while employed by the UK’s Vodafone Group, Lonie was part of a team that developed and ran M-Pesa as a pilot project in Kenya for the country

A simple take on video streaming

The article talks about how Spotify CEO, Daniel Ek, is “Eating Google’s Lunch,” both economically and literally in Google’s restaurant, and “Loving it