IT World

IT World

Most common digital attacks

The ingenuity and determination of cyber criminals to get into computer networks do surprise many people. But there are many ways in which sensitive d

FG calls for private sector participation in space technology

The Federal Government has called for private sector’s participation in the national space programmes for accelerated development of the industr

Whither 5G?

It seems like a very long wait on 5G, the fifth generation of wireless telecommunication network, which is supposed to supersede the 4G protocol, also

The Lessons from Huawei’s Harmony Operating System

On   20   May   2019,   Google   announced   it   would   block   Huawei’s future access to Android updates. This means that people  using Huawei   ph

FG cautions on cybersecurity as Nigeria marks awareness month

As Nigeria marks international cybersecurity awareness month, this October, the Nigeria Communication Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) Ltd, has called on interne