IT World

IT World

Securing your passwords

Passwords, cyber-security experts said, are the last lines of defence against cybercriminals. This piece will guide us to know how our passwords can b

MTN partners cloud service providers to support SMEs

Leading ICT firm, MTN Nigeria, has revealed willingness to collaborate with cloud technology service providers in order to provide support for small b

Verve launches ‘Good Life’ promo

A payment technology and card business firm, Verve International, has launched a nationwide promo to reward its cardholders with cash prizes and airti

Airtel introduces ODU Smartbox

Airtel Nigeria has announced the introduction of its new home broadband internet booster dubbed the Airtel ODU (Outdoor Unit) Smartbox. The telco says

Fintech app Esusu: The low-hanging fruit to developing good financial credit record

There is an app for everything in today’s technology world. Rotational Savings (Esusu or Ajọ in Yoruba, Adashi in Hausa, and Etoto or Isusu in Igbo) n