IT World

IT World

Group launches app to monitor rights abuses

The CLEEN Foundation with the support of the United Kingdom Government has formally launched a real-time documentation application known as “CLEEN Mob

Company targets poor, vulnerable with TeleHealth app

Nigeria’s Telehealth company, Pre Diagnosis International has developed an interactive mobile application, the PDI App which allows individuals to con

COVID-19 has increased ICT value in Nigeria – NITDA

The COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown have become a leading factor for Nigerians to realize the key values of Information and Communications Techn

It is now mandatory for MTN, Glo, others to submit financial statements

The Nigerian Communications Commissions (NCC) has said it is now mandatory on six of the Nigerian telecom licensees to submit their financial statemen

Pandemic shockwave shatters cultural barriers to cloud adoption

We all know about the inertia associated with starting something new, about comfort in the known, and about resistance to change. We have inertia in s