

CUPP can’t dictate to us – S/Court

The Supreme Court has criticised allegations by the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) over the composition of the panel for the presidentia

ECOWAS Community Court of Justice

Many lawyers across the West African Sub-Region are unaware of the workings and jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (ECCJ); that is

NHCR records 4million cases in 4 years

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), says it recorded about 4 million cases of human right violations in the country in the past four years. M

International Criminal Court presents steps to justice

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has explained details of how victims of violations can access justice around the world through its Access to Ju

‘Nigeria should involve citizens in contracts’

Sanjay Pradhan is the Chief Executive Officer of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). He recently led a delegation on a visit to the Federal Ministr