

Reforming the judiciary through transparent appointment of judges

They note that the reform should focus on attaining transparency and merit, especially in the appointment of judges.According to them, the processes l

Senior lawyers intervene in Ilorin NBA crisis

Sources told our correspondent that senior members of the bar are worried about the crisis which they believe is bad for the image of the branch regar

Capacity building for young lawyers

– MahbuburRahmanMorshed {Essays on capacity building}.The business dictionary further helped in defining capacity building to mean planned devel

Appellate court has power to reject inadmissible evidence – SC

For the Respondent it was submitted that the statement made by the learned trial judge in his judgment which forms the basis of the appellant’s ground

‘Separating Attorney General from Minister of Justice will lead to conflict’

The NBA has a new national executive. What is your take on the election?Elections have come and gone. Though I was not a delegate, but I perceive that