

FCT and the menace of street begging

Despite efforts of the FCT administration to tackle street begging, the problem still  persist, as the number of beggars seem to be increasing on

Why wasn’t Patience Jonathan charged in the first place?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote on what I felt was a plea bargain deal between the Presidency and certain key members of the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan ad

That Boko Haram threat video

It’s not okay that the Defence Headquarters dismisses Boko Haram’s latest video that they will assassinate President Buhari. They should t

On police brutality of couple in Daki Biyu

So the police have no work to do and now harass and beat up citizens? A recent report in Daily Trust’s September 15 edition carried the story of

What about other basic amenities?

If getting steady electricity power supply is unachievable (for now) what about supply of pipe borne water, good roads and other basic amenities? Are