

Open letter to Governor Abubakar Sani Bello

Your Excellency Sir, It is barely one year and some months after you were sworn-in as the Governor of Niger State to pilot the affairs of the state fo

EU referendum and Nigeria

EU is a Union which operates through a hybrid system of supranational and intergovernmental decision-making process.  The seven principal decisio

N/Delta: The problem with dialogue!

The ongoing brigandage in the Niger Delta is to be expected the moment a government shows an inclination towards dialoguing with bandits. The Federal

SOS in IDPs camps

Heartless people are stealing food items from the weak and vulnerable Internally Displaces Persons (IDPs) living with trauma of war in camps and camp-

Kidnappers rampaging Burra, Ningi LGA

Kidnappers on rampage I don’t think there is any place in Nigeria where kidnappers are operating freely than Burra, an agrarian and forest area