

Why the Social Media Offender’s bill should go

When the news broke that the Senate was proposing a 2-year jail term for offenders of abusive statements on social media, I was amazed. Do these peopl

Lending a hand to Internally Displaced Persons

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others” – Mandy Hale, author. Man

Why we need to talk about Mr. President’s foreign trips

If there is anyone who can question the rate at which President Muhammadu Buhari is jetting about the world, then it is this writer, a self-confessed

Kogi: The Dead cannot rule the living

It has become evident that the tussle for Lugard House is being hijacked by interests who lack simple sense of judgment regarding the role of the dead

Niger state: Poor power supply yet very high bill

In Niger State, the power state that host the three mega electricity generating station of the federation, the unwarranted worsening erratic supply of