

Who’ll lead the 8th Senate?

The import here is that the party will almost certainly produce the president of the Senate and Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives consid

On Katsina’s past eight years and the future

As an experienced leader, the foray of Governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema into politics over a decade ago has brought unprecedented change. As a lawyer, a p

Re: Don’t probe me alone, Jonathan tells Buhari

The issues of power, security where trillions of naira was spent with nothing to show for it, angered many Nigerians. The oil sector, where so many qu

Jonathan: waiting for the verdict of history

As a matter of fact, Jonathan had endeared himself to Nigerians for providing the environment for free and fair elections and the fact that his conces

House Speakership: should one’s religion matter?

Arguably for the first time since independence, northern Christians and Muslims voted for the same party and presidential candidateSome of us (norther