

Re: Parents of slain SSS men demand justice

Those cult members have been terrorizing unsuspecting Nigerians with impunity. They should be brought to book so that there will be no repeat of their

Onboard the Kaduna-Minna train

The security personnel attached to the railway station did not do enough to justify their posting. After going round each coach checking passengers wi

Let’s outsource the National Assembly

Principally it is a tool used by companies in order to cut costs and remain competitive. The practice emanated from highly industrialized countries wh

Motive of ‘child-not-bride’ campaign

I will like us all to stop this hatred for once and reason with our heads .Let all those whose grandmother waited till she was 18 before she got marri

No age factor in Islamic marriage

We will like to put the records straight before too much damage is done to the polity. Islam is a complete way of life and its institutions (including