

Rebranding: The A Daidaita Sahu example

 The A Daidaita Sahu initiative is a social engineering concept dedicated to radical civic re-orientation in the society.  By its conception and desig

On Gov. Imoke’s denunciation of cultism

In the past, one reads of people going to Okija shrine to take oaths. One have also read of accusations and counteraccusations about the Ogun State of

Sallah celebration or mourning?

This occurred due to so many reasons. Among them is the global economic crisis. Inspite of the worsening condition of the Nigerian masses nothing has

That judgement should not be suspended

Every country has it own laws for punishing crime. If the Commission wants to show it willingness to assist it members they should help Africans to be

Re: I don’t interfere with PPA

However, Chief Kalu mentioned my name as a person in that interview and as the acting National Chairman of the party which has suspended him as BOT Ch