

Why police officers assault Nigerians

For decades, the challenge of police brutality and assaults on innocent individuals in Nigeria has been a major source of worry for many. While some m

Renewed Hope for Nigeria: A pathway to effective leadership

Dear Bola Ahmed Tinubu,  Congratulations on your imminent inauguration as the President of Nigeria. As you embark on this crucial journey, entrusted w

N/Assembly zoning: N/Central governors should tarry awhile

The uproar that followed the zoning of leadership positions in the 10th National Assembly is unnecessary given the much that is expected for the next

Open letter to the president-elect

Let me start, by congratulating you, once again, on your victory at the February 25th polls.  I deem it necessary and very important for me as a citiz

Efforts must intensify in fight against illicit drug

Drug trafficking and abuse are deadly monsters and as well threat to peace, security and stability of a nation. It is a global problem that has eaten