

Newly elected leaders should embrace inclusive education, evidence-based practices

I wish to urge our newly elected governments in Nigeria at all levels to embrace inclusion and evidence-based practices in the education sector. Inclu

Tribute to Prof Mohammed Gujbawu

The death of Prof Mohammed Gujbawu is not only a personal and collective huge loss to his family and UniMaid but to the Communication discipline in Ni

Letter to Nigerian health sector

I humbly write to draw the attention of the Nigerian health sector as well as offer suggestions for their unprepared attitude towards addressing so ma

Tackling cybercrimes among Nigerian youths

The Encyclopedia Britannica defined cybercrime as the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, traffickin

Ensuring equity in elimination of cervical cancer in Nigeria

Cervical cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer, is a kind of cancer that happens when cervical cells become abnormal and out of control over