

Stop the doctors’ bill

The nation is awashed with the news of a bill that seeks to stop doctors from practising abroad until they put in five years of service after graduati

Between the US and Nigeria’s elections

The primus inter pares (first among equals) status of the United States of America (USA) among the comity of nations which pride themselves as the pro

Why Bawa needs our support

One of the most significant rhetoric used by President Buhari before and during his presidency is his distaste for corruption. This was his major sell

Governor Bala, resolve salary issue in Bauchi

The lingering issue of unpaid workers’ salaries in Bauchi State has been a  source of concern for many years. Previous administrations had battled wit

Why Tinubu should jettison subsidy removal

About 12 months after President Buhari came to office, petrol price increased astronomically from N86.50 to N145, an increase of almost 67 per cent. A